Carina Rasse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carina Rasse plays a role.


Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Rasse, Carina 2023 Review of Bagli (2021): Tastes We Live By: The Linguistic Conceptualisation of Taste in EnglishCurrent challenges in metaphor research, Julich-Warpakowski, Nina and Paula Pérez-Sobrino (eds.), pp. 128–131 | Review
Colston, Herbert L. and Carina Rasse 2022 Figurativity: Cognitive, because it’s socialDynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, Colston, Herbert L., Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 243–264 | Chapter
We’ve long recognized that figurative language is social in multiple ways. But new developments in both socio-cognitive neuroscience and linguistic pragmatics suggests that the extent to which all language, figurative and everything else, might be considered social has been underestimated. This… read more