Allan R. James

List of John Benjamins publications for which Allan R. James plays a role.

This article explores dimensions of dramatic structure which the literary linguistic analysis of a play text can illuminate within an integrated model of dramatic significance. The play to be examined is John Millington Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World, known for its lexical richness,… read more
The present article develops a theoretical framework for the analysis of the semiotics of the English of mixed-language texts as are found worldwide in various domains of public and private communication. The social meaning of such anglography, it will be argued, must be interpreted as a result of… read more
The aim of the present paper was to find out which learning strategies secondary school pupils of different ages employ to acquire complex words in English as their second language: either by applying rules and analogies or by learning by heart. As a working hypothesis, it was postulated that… read more
Theories of phonological processing and of phonological change stress the importance of the word as the structural context of segments in acquisition and historical development, respectively. After a discussion of these theories with reference to a model of second language acquisition, an… read more