Adam Jaworski
List of John Benjamins publications for which Adam Jaworski plays a role.
ISSN 2543-3164 | E-ISSN 2543-3156
ISSN 2214-9953 | E-ISSN 2214-9961
Regrounding work in elite discourse: Mediatizing and amplifying entitlement Pragmatics and Society 16:2, pp. 151–173 | Article
2024 This paper considers the interplay of small-scale pragmatic actions and large-scale discursive formations; specifically, we examine frame-shifting and keying in the globally syndicated BBC television show Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby. Focusing on the fourth season of Amazing Hotels,… read more
X X-Scapes: New horizons in Linguistic Landscapes, Thurlow, Crispin and Kellie Gonçalves (eds.), pp. 115–141 | Article
2019 The grapheme and symbol x has been documented as relatively indeterminate and polysemic (e.g. Gale, 2015). Yet, various typographic, orthographic and other design choices make it particularly salient in the contemporary semiotic landscape. The paper starts by outlining briefly the history of the… read more
Itineraries of protest signage: Semiotic landscape and the mythologizing of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement Occupy Hong Kong: Historicizing Protest, Flowerdew, John and Rodney H. Jones (eds.), pp. 609–642 | Article
2016 The pro-democracy occupation of three commercial and retail areas in Hong Kong that lasted over two months in the fall of 2014 – known as the Umbrella Movement – created a myth of Utopia (Barthes 1984 [1954]). In this paper, we track the itineraries (Scollon 2008) and resemiotizations (Iedema… read more
Word cities and language objects: ‘Love’ sculptures and signs as shifters Linguistic Landscape 1:1/2, pp. 75–94 | Article
2015 The focus of this paper is on language objects in contemporary ‘word cities’, or urban landscapes, shaped by art and consumer culture. I define ‘language objects’ as two- or three-dimensional pieces of writing (e.g. needlework samplers, fridge magnets, wooden or metal sculptures, etc.) that do not… read more
9. Political silencing: A view from Laurie Anderson’s performance art Discourse and Silencing: Representation and the language of displacement, Thiesmeyer, Lynn (ed.), pp. 279–296 | Chapter
2003 The discourses of war photography: Photojournalistic representations of the Palestinian-Israeli war Journal of Language and Politics 1:2, pp. 255–275 | Article
2003 Photography has a long history of (de-)legitimation of wars. In this paper we examine the visual rhetoric of two newspapers, the British Guardian and the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza in their representation of the Palestinian-Israeli war in October 2000. Although both newspapers have access to the same… read more
Against extensive sound symbolism: another short argument for prototype linguistics. (Some evidence from English and Polish) Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis, Fisiak, Jacek (ed.), pp. 55–66 | Article