María Martínez-Adrián

List of John Benjamins publications for which María Martínez-Adrián plays a role.


Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition

Edited by María del Pilar García Mayo, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez-Adrián

[AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 9] 2013. xiii, 265 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Theoretical linguistics
Martínez-Adrián, María and Izaskun Arratibel-Irazusta 2024 Pairing method and young learners’ use of previously known languages during task-based interactionTASK 4:1, pp. 78–109 | Article
Recent research examining adult and young learners have concluded that pairing method (self-selected vs. proficiency-matched pairings) may affect learning opportunities operationalized as language-related episodes (LREs). But how it influences previously known language (PKL) use during… read more
In adult learners’ collaborative dialogue, oral+written tasks have been found to promote a greater incidence and resolution of language-related episodes and to demand higher levels of accuracy than oral tasks thanks to the extra time learners have to reflect on their written outcome. No previous… read more
Martínez-Adrián, María, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto and María Basterrechea 2021 Language-related episodes by young CLIL learners: A review of task modality effectsResearch on EFL learning by young children in Spain, García Mayo, María del Pilar (ed.), pp. 214–245 | Article
Task modality has been found to affect the production, nature and resolution of Language Related Episodes (LREs). However, a substantial number of investigations have been conducted with adult learners (i.e. García Mayo & Azkarai, 2016; Niu, 2009; Payant & Kim, 2019), except for García Mayo and… read more
Gutiérrez Mangado, María Juncal and María Martínez-Adrián 2018 The use of L3 English articles by Basque-Spanish bilingualsRevista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 31:1, pp. 124–158 | Article
In this paper we compare the data from a group of L1 Basque-Spanish bilingual learners of L3 English with a matching group of L1 Spanish learners of L2 English. The results show that the bilinguals omit articles and overuse ‘the’ more than the L1 Spanish group. The pattern of omissions by the… read more
Gutiérrez Mangado, María Juncal and María Martínez-Adrián 2018 CLIL at the linguistic interfacesJournal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 6:1, pp. 85–112 | Article
This study explores the effect of CLIL on the acquisition of nominal morphology (syntax-morphology interface) and article use (syntax-semantics-discourse-interface), linguistic areas that have been scarcely investigated in CLIL settings. Here we compare article omission and overuse errors in an… read more
Recent studies have highlighted the benefits of CLIL instruction regarding general competence in the acquisition of second languages. However, it is not clear whether these benefits extend to specific areas of grammar. Here we compare the general proficiency and specific linguistic features of a… read more
García Mayo, María del Pilar, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez-Adrián 2013 IntroductionContemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, García Mayo, María del Pilar, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez-Adrián (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article
Martínez-Adrián, María and Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto 2010 L2 English Receptive and Productive Vocabulary in Senior LearnersITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 160, pp. 112–131 | Article
This study aims to analyse the effect of previous foreign language (FL) contact on the acquisition of receptive and productive vocabulary by senior learners in the early stages of English acquisition. Additionally, we also explore the relationship between receptive vocabulary and productive… read more