Andrea Del Lungo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea Del Lungo plays a role.


Mahrer, Rudolf, Rossana De Angelis, Andrea Del Lungo, Almuth Grésillon, Jean-Louis Lebrave, Valentine Nicollier Saraillon, Thierry Poibeau, Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet and Bénédicte Vauthier 2015 Editorial genesis: From comparing texts (product) to interpreting rewritings (process)Writing(s) at the Crossroads: The process–product interface, Cislaru, Georgeta (ed.), pp. 151–170 | Article
In literary genetics, “editorial genetics” deals with the “public life” of texts, whereas the writing process is affected by edition and diffusion. Editorial genetics frequently has to deal with cases of “editorial rewriting”: in the literary domain for example, authors frequently modify previously… read more