The aim of this study is to investigate the translation politics in the field of opera in the Third Reich with a special focus on the three Mozart-Da Ponte operas. Mozart was considered as a central part of the German culture. His collaboration with the Jewish librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte and the… read more
Notwithstanding their importance as a segment of high-volume translation, comics have largely been neglected in Translation Studies. This paper presents a theoretical framework for studying the translation of comics as a social practice. On the premise that the production and reception of texts is… read more
Longtemps, la recherche sur les traductions d'opéras s'est appesantie sur les questions pratiques suscitées par la transposition d'un texte assorti à une partition de musique. Quant aux impliqués théoriques, ils ne dépassaient pas le niveau des prescriptions. Le présent article esquisse un cadre… read more