Gülsen Yılmaz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gülsen Yılmaz plays a role.

Yılmaz, Gülsen and Monika S. Schmid 2018 Chapter 11. First language attrition and bilingualism: Adult speakersBilingual Cognition and Language: The state of the science across its subfields, Miller, David, Fatih Bayram, Jason Rothman and Ludovica Serratrice (eds.), pp. 225–250 | Chapter
A considerable amount of research has been devoted to exploring how bilinguals accommodate their languages. Since it has long been assumed that the native language, once completely acquired, would be immune to change, this research has mainly been focused on L2 development and L1 interference in… read more
Gürel, Ayşe and Gülsen Yılmaz 2013 Restructuring in the L1 Turkish grammar: Effects of L2 English and L2 DutchFirst Language Attrition, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 37–66 | Article
This paper compares results of two studies examining L2 English and L2 Dutch-induced syntactic changes that occur in L1 Turkish grammars of speakers living in North America and in the Netherlands, respectively. We examine potential restructuring in the L1 knowledge of binding properties of overt… read more
Yılmaz, Gülsen 2013 Complex embeddings in free speech production among late Turkish-Dutch bilingualsFirst Language Attrition, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 67–90 | Article
This study investigates potential changes or simplifications in the L1 grammar of late Turkish-Dutch bilinguals in a migrant setting and examines the non-linguistic factors that might have played a role in this process. In our analyses, the bilingual group’s production of embedded sentences in… read more
Yılmaz, Gülsen and Monika S. Schmid 2012 L1 accessibility among Turkish-Dutch bilingualsThe Mental Lexicon 7:3, pp. 249–274 | Article
This study investigates whether lexical knowledge in the first language (L1) of late Turkish-Dutch bilinguals becomes less accessible for the production of fluent speech and in controlled experimental tasks as a result of extended stay in the Netherlands. It is also considered to what degree… read more
Gürel, Ayşe and Gülsen Yılmaz 2011 Restructuring in the L1 Turkish grammar: Effects of L2 English and L2 DutchFirst language attrition/L'attrition de la langue première, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 221–250 | Article
This paper compares results of two studies examining L2 English and L2 Dutch-induced syntactic changes that occur in L1 Turkish grammars of speakers living in North America and in the Netherlands, respectively. We examine potential restructuring in the L1 knowledge of binding properties of overt… read more
Yılmaz, Gülsen 2011 Complex embeddings in free speech production among late Turkish-Dutch bilingualsFirst language attrition/L'attrition de la langue première, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 251–275 | Article
This study investigates potential changes or simplifications in the L1 grammar of late Turkish-Dutch bilinguals in a migrant setting and examines the non-linguistic factors that might have played a role in this process. In our analyses, the bilingual group’s production of embedded sentences in… read more