Sylvia Kalina
List of John Benjamins publications for which Sylvia Kalina plays a role.
Collados Aís, Ángela, Emilia Iglesias Fernández, E. Macarena Pradas Macías & Elisabeth Stévaux, eds. 2011. Qualitätsparameter beim Simultandolmetschen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Voice in Retranslation, Alvstad, Cecilia and Alexandra Assis Rosa (eds.), pp. 98–103 | Review
Quality in interpreting Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 3, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 134–140 | Article
2012 Review of Chabasse (2010): Gibt es eine Begabung für das Simultandolmetschen? Erstellung eines Dolmetscheignungstests Aptitude for Interpreting, Shlesinger, Miriam † and Franz Pöchhacker (eds.), pp. 149–153 | Review
Quality in interpreting and its prerequisites: A framework for a comprehensive view Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities, Garzone, Giuliana and Maurizio Viezzi (eds.), pp. 121–130 | Article
2002 Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta & Kenneth Hyltenstam, eds. 2000. Language processing and simultaneous interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers presented at the International Symposium on Language Processing and Interpreting, held in Stockholm in February 1997 Target 14:2, pp. 374–378 | Review
2002 Analyzing interpreters’ performance: methods and problems Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, aims and visions. Papers from the Second Language International Conference Elsinore, 1993, Dollerup, Cay and Annette Lindegaard (eds.), pp. 225–232 | Article
1994 Some views on the theory of interpreter training and some practical suggestions Translation Studies: An Interdiscipline: Selected papers from the Translation Studies Congress, Vienna, 1992, Snell-Hornby, Mary, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl (eds.), pp. 219–226 | Article
1994 Discourse processing and interpreting strategies - an approach to the teaching of interpreting Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training Talent and Experience. Papers from the First Language International Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, 1991, Dollerup, Cay and Anne Loddegaard (eds.), pp. 251–258 | Chapter