Georg Maier
List of John Benjamins publications for which Georg Maier plays a role.
The case of focus Corpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns, Davidse, Kristin, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 173–205 | Article
2014 This article investigates the distribution of pronoun case forms (PCFs) in it-clefts and it BE-sentences in British and American English. Its particular interest is the occurrence of subject PCFs in these two constructions. Functional and pragmatic factors exerting an influence on the distribution… read more
Varieties of English in the EFL
classroom setting Transferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice, Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer (eds.), pp. 81–94 | Article
2013 An unprecedented case in the history of languages, English has expanded all over the world yielding a variety of unique – und sometimes mutually unintelligible – forms. The immediate repercussion of this observation is that when confronted with regionally marked vernaculars in the EFL setting,… read more