Patrick Rebuschat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patrick Rebuschat plays a role.


Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages

Edited by Patrick Rebuschat

[Studies in Bilingualism, 48] 2015. xxii, 489 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Theoretical linguistics


Rebuschat, Patrick 2015 Introduction: Implicit and explicit learning of languagesImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. xiii–xxii | Article
Rogers, John, Andrea Révész and Patrick Rebuschat 2015 Challenges in implicit learning research: Validating a novel artificial languageImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 275–300 | Article
This chapter documents some of the methodological challenges in the use of artificial grammars in second language research. In the three experiments reported here, participants were exposed to an artificial language system based on Czech morphology under incidental learning conditions. After… read more
Ziegler, Nicole, Corinne A. Seals, Steffi Ammons, Julie Lake, Phillip Hamrick and Patrick Rebuschat 2013 14. Interaction in conversation groups: The development of L2 conversational stylesSecond Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts, McDonough, Kim and Alison Mackey (eds.), pp. 269–292 | Chapter
This exploratory study examines the potential learning opportunities of interactions in the naturalistic setting of a German conversation group. Eleven intermediate L2 German learners participated in weekly conversation groups, which were recorded and then transcribed. In addition, information… read more