William A. Kretzschmar, Jr.

List of John Benjamins publications for which William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. plays a role.


Book series

Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 2022 The emergence of new varieties of English in North America: Complex systemsEarlier North American Englishes, Kytö, Merja and Lucia Siebers (eds.), pp. 21–36 | Chapter
The emergence of English varieties in North America follows the predictions of complexity science. The complex systems model does not predict the small number of dialects that most scholars assume to be there because of their perception of variation. Instead, complexity science predicts that we… read more
Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 2014 Emergence of “new varieties” in speech as a complex systemThe Evolution of Englishes: The Dynamic Model and beyond, Buschfeld, Sarah, Thomas Hoffmann, Magnus Huber and Alexander Kautzsch (eds.), pp. 142–159 | Article
The properties of complex systems engage nicely with the framework for “new varieties” of English suggested by Edgar Schneider, which highlights perceptual qualities and describes the progress of emergence of postcolonial varieties from early settlement to mature nation states. In order to explain… read more
The Ebonics controversy revealed surprising public rejection of the ideas of academic linguists. The intellectual history of the situation provides a reasonable explanation. Linguists lack consensus themselves, while the public consensus includes inherent contradictions. Academic and public ideas… read more
Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 1997 American English for the 21st centuryEnglishes around the World: Studies in honour of Manfred Görlach, Schneider, Edgar W. (ed.), pp. 307 ff. | Article
Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 1996 Foundations of American EnglishFocus on the USA, Schneider, Edgar W. (ed.), pp. 25 ff. | Article
Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 1996 Dimensions of Variation in American English VocabularyEnglish World-Wide 17:2, pp. 189–211 | Article
Vocabulary varies in more than just the single dimension of the list of words that appears in typical desk-size dictionaries. Attention to the multidimensional nature of lexical variation can contribute in important ways to our understanding of language, and more particularly to the situation of a… read more
Kretzschmar, Jr., William A. 1995 Review of Preston (1993): American dialect researchJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 10:2, pp. 374–380 | Review