Elsi Kaiser

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elsi Kaiser plays a role.


Evidentiality conveys information about the nature – and reliability – of the information source. This paper investigates the Finnish reportative evidential (hearsay particle) kuulemma and the dubitative particle muka (‘supposedly, allegedly, as if’). I propose a unifying analysis of two… read more
Ngo, Binh, Elsi Kaiser and Andrew Simpson 2019 Chapter 13. Effects of grammatical roles and parallelism on referential form production in Vietnamese spoken and written narrativesInterdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics, Duffield, Nigel, Trang Phan and Tue Trinh (eds.), pp. 275–300 | Chapter
This study investigates the use of null and overt pronouns and noun phrases in Vietnamese spoken and written narratives, with a focus on referents’ grammatical roles and grammatical parallelism. Looking at Vietnamese allows us to address questions left open in prior work regarding the effects of… read more
Kaiser, Elsi 2016 Discourse level processingVisually Situated Language Comprehension, Knoeferle, Pia, Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck and Matthew W. Crocker (eds.), pp. 151–184 | Article
This chapter provides an overview of how the visual-world eye-tracking paradigm has been used to investigate the processing and representation of discourse-level information. The chapter starts by reviewing some theoretical approaches to information structure, and then turns to visual-world… read more
Kaiser, Elsi and Virve-Anneli Vihman 2006 Invisible arguments: Effects of demotion in Estonian and FinnishDemoting the Agent: Passive, middle and other voice phenomena, Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Torgrim Solstad (eds.), pp. 111–141 | Article