Rajiv Rao

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rajiv Rao plays a role.


Subjects Contact Linguistics | Phonetics | Phonology | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Korfhagen, David, Rajiv Rao and Sandro Sessarego 2021 Chapter 7. Declarative intonation in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Phonological analysis and implicationsAspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In honor of Terrell A. Morgan, Díaz-Campos, Manuel and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 155–180 | Chapter
This chapter studies declarative intonation using the Autosegmental-Metrical model of intonational phonology in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Chinchano, Chocó, Chota Valley, and Yungueño. We analyze the inventory of pitch accents, intermediate phrase boundary tones and intonational phrase boundary… read more
This paper provides an analysis of Afro-Peruvian Spanish (APS) declarative intonation. APS is an Afro-Hispanic vernacular spoken across some rural villages in the Province of Chincha, coastal Peru. Results indicate that APS does not follow declarative intonation patterns found in most normative… read more
Butera, Brianna, Sandro Sessarego and Rajiv Rao 2020 Afro-Peruvian Spanish declarative intonation: Analysis and implicationsHispanic Linguistics: Current issues and new directions, Morales-Front, Alfonso, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina Sanz (eds.), pp. 229–248 | Chapter
This study offers an analysis of Afro-Peruvian Spanish (APS) declarative intonation. Our findings indicate that this dialect presents intonational features that diverge from other varieties of Spanish. It shows minimal downstepping across utterances and a predominant use of the L+H* pitch… read more
Rao, Rajiv and Sandro Sessarego 2020 IntroductionSpanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain, Rao, Rajiv (ed.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
Rao, Rajiv 2016 On the nuclear intonational phonology of heritage speakers of SpanishAdvances in Spanish as a Heritage Language, Pascual y Cabo, Diego (ed.), pp. 51–80 | Article
This paper employs the Autosegmental-Metrical model and the Spanish in the Tones and Break Indices framework to examine nuclear (i.e., final) statement and question intonation in ten heritage speakers of Mexican Spanish. The statement results indicate that our heritage speakers show evidence of a… read more
Sessarego, Sandro and Rajiv Rao 2016 On the simplification of a prosodic inventory: The Afro-Bolivian Spanish caseInquiries in Hispanic Linguistics: From theory to empirical evidence, Cuza, Alejandro, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel Olson (eds.), pp. 171–190 | Article
This paper analyzes the declarative intonation of Afro-Bolivian Spanish (ABS) in terms of the realization of pitch accents and phrase boundary tones. We observe that the inventory of these phonological targets in ABS is much more reduced than what has been encountered in other native varieties of… read more