Roni Henkin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Roni Henkin plays a role.

Communication strategies used for conversational repair in Negev Arabic are examined here in a 170,000-word corpus of intergenerational interviews, with university students interviewing their relatives, over age 55, in the Bedouin community in the Negev, southern Israel. Since the traditional… read more
Henkin, Roni and Letizia Cerqueglini 2023 Spatial prepositions min and ʕan in Traditional Negev ArabicStudies in Language 47:2, pp. 243–290 | Article
The Arabic prepositions min and ʕan in their prototypical spatial use relate to the Source domain, translating as ‘(away) from’. In many contemporary dialects ʕan is absent or limited to secondary, non-spatial meanings. In Traditional Negev Arabic, however, both prepositions are used… read more
The chapter characterizes Modern Hebrew as having developed in a highly multilingual setting. This evolved, initially, from a century of Jewish immigrations starting in the 1880s, bringing languages from Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa. Subsequently, late 20th-century… read more
This paper contrasts natural oral narratives of Bedouin adults and children (ages 8- 11) in the Negev Desert (South Israel). The analysis showed some striking stylistic differences, on both developmental and genre-related grounds. Adults, narrating tribal legends in a stylized, performed idiom.… read more