In this paper, I discuss the morphological build-up of the French gérondif en + V-ant and compare it to the present participle V-ant. On the basis of this discussion, en is to be treated as a prepositional complementizer just as de and à with infinitives. Arguments are given for a recategorization… read more
Linguists have been drawn to the intriguing nature of clitics ever since the golden age of philology in the 19th century. In this paper we aim to provide a brief history of different approaches to clitics, from Wackernagel’s law to modern theories that link clitics to phases. We also present the… read more
In this chapter, we examine control configurations in French gérondif clauses in which the referential properties of the implicit subject argument (PRO) have to be determined by contextual (linguistic and extra-linguistic) factors. We compare the control facts with parallel Norwegian translations.… read more