Vincent Colapietro
List of John Benjamins publications for which Vincent Colapietro plays a role.
Image, diagram, and metaphor: Unmined resource and unresolved questions Semblance and Signification, Michelucci, Pascal, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 157–172 | Article
2011 It is far from implausible that some of C. S. Peirce’s other distinctions might eventually prove to be as heuristically fruitful as the distinction of icon, index, and symbol has proven itself to be. This distinction is based upon the relationship between a sign and its dynamical object, a… read more
6. The poetics of experience: Toward a pragmatic understanding of experience, practice, and translation The Translator as Mediator of Cultures, Tonkin, Humphrey and Maria Esposito Frank (eds.), pp. 107–124 | Article
2010 The author explores what he calls the poetics of experience (the translation of experience into various forms of expression, linguistic and otherwise) against the backdrop of a pragmatist understanding of human practices. Such an understanding of these practices highlights their historical and thus… read more
Literary practices and imaginative possibilities: Toward a pragmatic understanding of iconicity Signergy, Conradie, C. Jac, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 23–45 | Article
2010 Adopting a pragmatic approach to iconicity, this paper focuses on literary practices as imaginative undertakings, thus practices bound up with the projection of possibilities. Literary texts need not claim as their raison d’être anything more than the projection and exploration of diverse forms of… read more