Radoslava Trnavac

List of John Benjamins publications for which Radoslava Trnavac plays a role.


Goddard, Cliff, Maite Taboada and Radoslava Trnavac 2019 The semantics of evaluational adjectives: Perspectives from Natural Semantic Metalanguage and AppraisalFunctions of Language 26:3, pp. 308–342 | Article
We apply the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach (Goddard & Wierzbicka 2014) to the lexical-semantic analysis of English evaluational adjectives and compare the results with the picture developed in the Appraisal Framework (Martin & White 2005). The analysis is corpus-assisted, with… read more
Boogaart, Ronny and Radoslava Trnavac 2011 Imperfective aspect and epistemic modalityCognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality, Patard, Adeline and Frank Brisard (eds.), pp. 217–248 | Article
As is well known, the epistemic reading of modal verbs typically arises with imperfective complements. It is argued that this is related to a more general connection between imperfective aspect and subjectivity: imperfective forms express simultaneity of a situation with an independently provided… read more
Elouazizi, Noureddine and Radoslava Trnavac 2008 9. Identification and syntax of semantic prime MOMENT in Tarifyt BerberCross-Linguistic Semantics, Goddard, Cliff (ed.), pp. 241–258 | Article
Boogaart, Ronny and Radoslava Trnavac 2004 Conditional imperatives in Dutch and RussianLinguistics in the Netherlands 2004, Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), pp. 25–35 | Article