Georgios Floros

List of John Benjamins publications for which Georgios Floros plays a role.

Floros, Georgios 2021 Chapter 14. Citizens as agents of translation versions: The polyphonic translationTranslating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power, Carbonell i Cortés, Ovidi and Esther Monzó-Nebot (eds.), pp. 313–333 | Chapter
The prospects of a solution to the Cyprus issue have led to a revived interest in the fate of Famagusta, which, after more than 40 years of abandonment due to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, has turned into a ghost city and a strong symbol both of the island’s division and the prospect of… read more
Floros, Georgios and Parthena Charalampidou 2019 Website localization: Asymmetries and terminological challengesThe Journal of Internationalization and Localization 6:2, pp. 108–130 | Article
Traditionally, website translation has been considered a process moving from the global to the local, or from the major to the minor, and has largely been termed localization. Yet, the various meanings and interpretations of the term create the need for more specific terms that designate… read more
Grammenidis, Simos and Georgios Floros 2019 Chapter 15. The Greek-speaking traditionA World Atlas of Translation, Gambier, Yves and Ubaldo Stecconi (eds.), pp. 323–340 | Chapter
The report on the Greek-speaking tradition focuses on the geographical area occupied by Greece and Cyprus. The Greek-speaking area has been practicing both intralingual and interlingual translation, with the former type enjoying much higher a prestige than the latter. Certain language policies and… read more
In this article, an attempt is made to view Architecture as a source of inspiration for translation ethics. First, it is argued that Architecture is not a discipline that is as distant from translation studies as it might seem at first sight. Second, the example of the Wyly Theater in Dallas is… read more
Floros, Georgios and Simos Grammenidis 2012 Secondary term formation in Greek: Theoretical and methodological considerationsNeology in Specialized Communication, Cabré, Teresa, Rosa Estopà and Chelo Vargas-Sierra (eds.), pp. 86–104 | Article
This paper aims at discussing some theoretical aspects of the creation of term neologisms through translation, using as examples Greek terms from the field of Translation Studies itself. The premise of the paper is that while a basically semiotic approach tends to be the prevailing one in… read more
Floros, Georgios 2005 Critical Reading: The case of culture in translation studiesFORUM 3:2, pp. 59–84 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Le tournant culturel dans les Études de Traduction a rendu évidente la nécessité d’une définition de la culture non seulement utilisable pour décrire de manière suffisante le phénomène même de la culture par rapport à la théorie de Traduction, mais aussi capable de rendre compte de… read more