Achim Stein

List of John Benjamins publications for which Achim Stein plays a role.

Stein, Achim, Richard P. Ingham and Carola Trips 2019 Chapter 9. What is a diachronically stable system in a language-contact situation? The case of the English recipient passiveThe Determinants of Diachronic Stability, Breitbarth, Anne, Miriam Bouzouita, Lieven Danckaert and Melissa Farasyn (eds.), pp. 215–244 | Chapter
In this paper we present data showing that the development of the English recipient passive (RP) was linked predominantly to verbs of French origin, although Old French (OF) did not have an RP. We present two explanations of the role that contact with French could have played in this development.… read more
Stein, Achim 2018 Diachronic syntax based on constituency and dependency annotated corpora: Theoretical and methodological issuesRomance Parsed Corpora, Tortora, Christina, Beatrice Santorini and Frances Blanchette (eds.), pp. 74–99 | Article
This contribution presents two syntactically annotated corpora of Old French, Modéliser le changement: les voies du français (MCVF) and the Syntactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French (SRCMF). The focus is on how the underlying syntactic theory (constituency vs. dependency) influences the… read more
Trips, Carola and Achim Stein 2018 Chapter 10. Cleft sentences in the history of French and English: A case of pragmatic borrowing?Focus Realization in Romance and Beyond, García García, Marco and Melanie Uth (eds.), pp. 287–310 | Chapter
This paper addresses the question of whether certain types of cleft constructions found in earlier stages of English can be interpreted as instances of pragmatic borrowing from French. According to Prince (1988) this type of borrowing can be assumed if (i) a syntactic form in the recipient language… read more
Trips, Carola and Achim Stein 2018 A comparison of multi-genre and single-genre corpora in the context of contact-induced changeDiachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change, Whitt, Richard J. (ed.), pp. 241–260 | Chapter
This chapter discusses results from a quantitative study of possible contact-induced change in Middle English in a multi-genre corpus (the Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English 2 (PPCME2), Kroch & Taylor 2000, and a single-genre corpus, the Penn Corpus of Early English Correspondence… read more
An in-depth corpus study will show that the ability of -able formations to highlight other arguments of the verbal base is present from the start in Old French texts, similarly to findings for Modern French (2003). Old French formations like (par)durable, decevable or changable show that… read more
Stein, Achim 2007 Resources and tools for Old French text corporaCorpus-Based Perspectives in Linguistics, Kawaguchi, Yuji, Toshihiro Takagaki, Nobuo Tomimori and Yoichiro Tsuruga (eds.), pp. 217–229 | Article