Lila San Roque

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lila San Roque plays a role.


Perception Metaphors

Edited by Laura J. Speed, Carolyn O'Meara, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid

Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Psycholinguistics | Psychology | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics


Edited by Simeon Floyd, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque

[Typological Studies in Language, 118] 2018. vii, 505 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
O'Meara, Carolyn, Laura J. Speed, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid 2019 Chapter 1. Perception metaphors: A view from diversityPerception Metaphors, Speed, Laura J., Carolyn O'Meara, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Chapter
Our bodily experiences play an important role in the way that we think and speak. Abstract language is, however, difficult to reconcile with this body-centred view, unless we appreciate the role metaphors play. To explore the role of the senses across semantic domains, we focus on perception… read more
San Roque, Lila and Bambi B. Schieffelin 2019 Chapter 17. Perception verbs in context: Perspectives from Kaluli (Bosavi) child-caregiver interactionPerception Metaphors, Speed, Laura J., Carolyn O'Meara, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 347–368 | Chapter
Perceptual language is a rich site of polysemous meaning and pragmatic extension. In this chapter, we explore the question of how children learning a language come to grips with this complexity, focusing on basic perception verbs as used in child-caregiver interaction in the language Bosavi, spoken… read more
San Roque, Lila 2018 Chapter 13. Egophoric patterns in Duna verbal morphologyEgophoricity, Floyd, Simeon, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque (eds.), pp. 405–436 | Chapter
In the language Duna (Trans New Guinea), egophoric distributional patterns are a pervasive characteristic of verbal morphology, but do not comprise a single coherent system. Many morphemes, including evidential markers and future time inflections, show strong tendencies to co-occur with ‘informant’… read more
San Roque, Lila and Bambi B. Schieffelin 2018 Chapter 14. Learning how to know: Egophoricity and the grammar of Kaluli (Bosavi, Trans New Guinea), with special reference to child languageEgophoricity, Floyd, Simeon, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque (eds.), pp. 437–471 | Chapter
Languages with egophoric systems require their users to pay special attention to who knows what in the speech situation, providing formal marking of whether the speaker or addressee has personal knowledge of the event being discussed. Such systems have only recently come to be studied in… read more
San Roque, Lila, Simeon Floyd and Elisabeth Norcliffe 2018 Chapter 1. Egophoricity: An introductionEgophoricity, Floyd, Simeon, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque (eds.), pp. 1–78 | Chapter
Rumsey, Alan, Lila San Roque and Bambi B. Schieffelin 2013 The acquisition of ergative marking in Kaluli, Ku Waru and Duna (Trans New Guinea)The Acquisition of Ergativity, Bavin, Edith L. and Sabine Stoll (eds.), pp. 133–182 | Article
In this chapter we present material on the acquisition of ergative marking on noun phrases in three languages of Papua New Guinea: Kaluli, Ku Waru, and Duna. The expression of ergativity in all the languages is broadly similar, but sensitive to language-specific features, and this pattern of… read more
This paper explores the use of demonstratives in non-embedded clausal nominalisations. We present data and analysis from three Papuan languages of the Timor-Alor-Pantar family in south-east Indonesia. In these languages, demonstratives can apply to the clausal as well as to the nominal domain,… read more