Alain Létourneau

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alain Létourneau plays a role.


Practices of Dialogue, Dialogues in Practice

Edited by Alain Létourneau, Geneviève Boivin and Nicolas Bencherki

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 13:2 (2023) v, 153 pp.
Subjects Anthropology | Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Computational & corpus linguistics | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Psychology | Sociology

(Re)presentations and Dialogue

Edited by François Cooren and Alain Létourneau

[Dialogue Studies, 16] 2012. xv, 348 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Dialogue and Representation

Edited by Alain Létourneau and François Cooren

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 2:1 (2012) vi, 189 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
A completed research-action project on Climate change adaptation at the regional level (Memphremagog, Québec, Canada) is revisited here, which requires first to briefly recall what is the CCA program, and the project’s context, goals, and characteristics. The aim of the paper is to clarify… read more
Létourneau, Alain, Geneviève Boivin and Nicolas Bencherki 2023 Practices of Dialogue, Dialogues in Practice: With their problemsPractices of Dialogue, Dialogues in Practice, Létourneau, Alain, Geneviève Boivin and Nicolas Bencherki (eds.), pp. 147–154 | Review article
This piece explores dialogue analysis inside a particular ongoing collective work, a regional adaptation to climate change research-action project in the southern part of Québec province, the Memphrémagog MRC. First, some precision is given to better understand what it means to work in… read more
The aim of the paper is to use a Bakhtinian theoretical frame to analyze a dialogue episode, which is considered as a social ensemble of voices. The article starts by putting in place the disciplinary angle taken here, the action domain into which the piece is taken, which is a specific project… read more
Létourneau, Alain 2018 Differing versions of dialogic aptitude: Bakhtin, Dewey and HabermasDialogic Ethics, Arnett, Ronald C. and François Cooren (eds.), pp. 127–148 | Chapter
Discussing dialogical ethics implies that people have the aptitude to participate in dialogue. We also surmise that a dialogical ethic would co-construct meaning on moral, ethical and normative issues. Can we make sense of a dialogical ethic at all the relevant levels of our social life, which… read more
Studies about dialogue are conducted in a descriptive perspective, but also in a so-called normative approach or tradition. Taking Bakhtin’s case, I consider this tension and show how it can be treated as a question of disciplines and interdisciplinarity, which permits us to understand how they… read more
Cooren, François and Alain Létourneau 2012 Introduction(Re)presentations and Dialogue, Cooren, François and Alain Létourneau (eds.), pp. ix–xvi | Article
Létourneau, Alain 2012 Towards an inclusive notion of dialog for ethical and moral purposes(Re)presentations and Dialogue, Cooren, François and Alain Létourneau (eds.), pp. 17–36 | Article
Many (more or less) systematic recourses to dialog have developed, some with ethical and moral purposes, either in the ends of resolving differences among people, or to take a decision on a difficult issue. Here we look more closely at two such recourses, especially around the authors and dialog… read more
Létourneau, Alain and François Cooren 2012 Dialogue and representation: A plurality of approachesDialogue and Representation, Létourneau, Alain and François Cooren (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Létourneau, Alain 2008 Rhetoric and ethic of dialog: Can conditions of performance serve as excluding criteria?Dialogue and Rhetoric, Weigand, Edda (ed.), pp. 69–81 | Article
First, we should recall that a rhetorical dimension is forcibly present in the performance of dialog, if we understand dialog both as an invitation and as a reciprocal openness for a constructive process; it can be demonstrated if we look at some proposals of dialog (Buber 1922, and more recently… read more