Rocío G. Sumillera

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rocío G. Sumillera plays a role.


Translation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation

Edited by Rocío G. Sumillera, Jan Surman and Katharina Kühn

[Benjamins Translation Library, 154] 2020. vii, 272 pp.
Subjects Language policy | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Translation Studies


Sumillera, Rocío G. 2020 Chapter 1. Reading scientific translations in the first half of sixteenth-century Europe through Hernando Colón’s libraryTranslation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, Sumillera, Rocío G., Jan Surman and Katharina Kühn (eds.), pp. 17–40 | Chapter
The humanist Hernando Colón (1488–1539), second son to Christopher Columbus, has been acknowledged as one of the greatest collectors of manuscripts and printed works of sixteenth-century Europe. Hernando acquired all kinds of works (from cheap pamphlets to expensive illustrated volumes), in a… read more
Sumillera, Rocío G., Jan Surman and Katharina Kühn 2020 IntroductionTranslation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, Sumillera, Rocío G., Jan Surman and Katharina Kühn (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter