For some time now, studies about evidentiality have begun to explore the link between the grammatical coding of information sources and the expression of tense and aspect. Within this line of research, it is worth highlighting the works that have recently described the evidential nature of… read more
The present paper has as its aim to offer an analysis about the most important auditory verbs in the Spanish language from a historical and cognitive-functional approach. Evidence will be offered that the patterns for semantic development and syntactic functioning shown by auditory verbs are… read more
This paper has as its purpose to present a diachronic analysis of the pseudo-copulative verbs verse and sentirse carried out from the theoretical postulates of cognitive semantics and the grammaticalization theory. It will be proved that these two pseudo-copulas in Spanish have been formed within a… read more
This chapter analyzes five Spanish verbs related to perception and causation: iluminar, alumbrar, deslumbrar, vislumbrar and columbrar. Although, apparently, these verbs may seem synonymous, a careful survey shows that they are not. It is obvious that the aforementioned verbs share a common… read more