Susan Rothstein

List of John Benjamins publications for which Susan Rothstein plays a role.


A typology of the mass/count distinction in Brazil and its relevance for mass/count theories

Edited by Suzi Lima and Susan Rothstein

Special issue of Linguistic Variation 20:2 (2020) vi, 247 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology

Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics

Edited by Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 134] 2008. vii, 393 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
Kulkarni, Ritwik, Alessandro Treves and Susan Rothstein 2020  Can mass-count syntax be derived from semantics?Mass and Count in Linguistics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science, Moltmann, Friederike (ed.), pp. 83–102 | Chapter
Analysing aspects of how our brain processes language may provide, even before the language faculty is really understood, useful insights into higher order cognitive functions. We have taken initial steps in this direction, focusing on the mass-count distinction. The mass-count distinction… read more
While much work has been done on the description of the mass/count distinction in different geographical areas, Brazilian Indigenous languages are still highly underrepresented in the field. This paper presents the results of a project that involved researchers describing the mass/count… read more
Rothstein, Susan and Roberta Pires De Oliveira 2020  Comparatives in Brazilian Portuguese: Counting and measuringMass and Count in Linguistics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science, Moltmann, Friederike (ed.), pp. 141–158 | Chapter
Comparatives in Brazilian Portuguese show that Bale and Barner’s (2009) generalizations do not hold cross-linguistically; this leads to reconsidering the role of cardinality in mass and count syntax. The paper discusses contrasts in the use of naturally atomic, or object, mass nouns in Brazilian… read more
Schvarcz, Brigitta R. and Susan Rothstein 2017 Chapter 7. Hungarian classifier constructions, plurality and the mass–count distinctionApproaches to Hungarian: Volume 15: Papers from the 2015 Leiden Conference, Hulst, Harry van der and Anikó Lipták (eds.), pp. 183–208 | Chapter
We argue that Hungarian has both mass and count nouns, and a plural marker which is sensitive to the distinction, as well as a system of sortal classifiers. In English, most nouns are either mass (e.g mud) or count (e.g. book), and there are only a limited number of fully flexible nouns with both… read more
Pires De Oliveira, Roberta and Susan Rothstein 2013 Bare singular arguments in Brazilian Portuguese: Perfectivity, telicity, and kindsNew Perspectives on Bare Noun Phrases in Romance and Beyond, Kabatek, Johannes and Albert Wall (eds.), pp. 189–222 | Article
This paper examines the distribution and the interpretation of Brazilian Portuguese bare singular arguments of episodic predicates, in particular as themes. We argue that these bare singulars cannot be interpreted as indefinites as suggested in Schmitt and Munn (1999) and Müller (2002). Instead we… read more
This paper shows that Modern Hebrew bare singular kind-denoting NPs, although superficially similar to kind-denoting bare singulars in Brazilian Portuguese, are in fact different in terms of distribution and interpretation. While bare singulars in Brazilian Portuguese are not restricted to a… read more
Armon-Lotem, Sharon, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein 2008 Current issues in generative Hebrew linguisticsCurrent Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, Armon-Lotem, Sharon, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Rothstein, Susan 2008 IntroductionTheoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect, Rothstein, Susan (ed.), pp. 1–10 | Miscellaneous
Rothstein, Susan 1992 Predication and the Structure of ClausesPredication, De Caluwé, Johan, André Hantson and Willy Vandeweghe (eds.), pp. 153–169 | Article