Francesc Feliu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Francesc Feliu plays a role.

Subjects Historical linguistics | History of linguistics | Language policy | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

The Intricacy of Languages

Edited by Francesc Feliu and Olga Fullana

Subjects Historical linguistics | Language policy | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Romance linguistics | Translation Studies

Constructing Languages: Norms, myths and emotions

Edited by Francesc Feliu and Josep M. Nadal

Subjects Historical linguistics | History of linguistics | Language policy | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Feliu, Francesc 2023 Languages, an object of desireDesired Language: Languages as objects of national ideology, Feliu, Francesc (ed.), pp. 3–4 | Chapter
Feliu, Francesc 2019 The persistence of ‘old language’ and the structuring of language communitiesThe Intricacy of Languages, Feliu, Francesc and Olga Fullana (eds.), pp. 47–52 | Chapter
Beyond the foreseen norms of each language, in the legitimization of the facts of language, we intuit that the historical factor is fundamental, not necessarily ratified by the academy or by the culture elites. The perception that an “incorrect” or “not much correct” thing can be said (with the… read more
Feliu, Francesc and Olga Fullana 2019 Editorial noteThe Intricacy of Languages, Feliu, Francesc and Olga Fullana (eds.), pp. ix–xi | Miscellaneous
Feliu, Francesc and Josep M. Nadal 2016 Languages as a construction: An enlightening perspectiveConstructing Languages: Norms, myths and emotions, Feliu, Francesc and Josep M. Nadal (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article