Thomas H. Smith

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas H. Smith plays a role.


How Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science

Edited by Anke Beger and Thomas H. Smith

[Figurative Thought and Language, 6] 2020. vi, 332 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Narrative Studies
Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith 2020 Chapter 1. IntroductionHow Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith (eds.), pp. 1–37 | Chapter
In this introduction, we start by providing an overview of how metaphor makes science accessible (§ 1). The first part describes the intended readership of this book and introduces them to studies of metaphor in science. We then provide the theoretical foundation for the study of metaphor in… read more
Metaphors appear in scientific theories, guide scientists, teach students and fascinate the public. This chapter sketches a kind of vocation or métier for scientific metaphors in physics and then applies the same outline to three influential conceptual metaphors in social science – dataset, social… read more
Smith, Thomas H. and Anke Beger 2020 Conclusion: When metaphors serve scientific endsHow Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith (eds.), pp. 297–318 | Chapter
This final chapter uses the metaphor characteristics set forth in the introductory chapter to comment on the individual studies reported here. Where the introductory chapter describes the principles of modern metaphor research that promise to improve access to science, this chapter highlights the… read more
Smith, Thomas H. 2015 Dynamical systems metaphorsMetaphor in Specialist Discourse, Herrmann, J. Berenike and Tony Berber Sardinha (eds.), pp. 215–242 | Article
In order to explore the role that ‘dynamical systems theory’ plays as an overarching conceptual source domain in the genre of educational scientific texts covering six distinct subject areas (cognitive psychology, linguistics, transportation studies, social psychology, evolutionary biology and… read more