Paula Winke

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paula Winke plays a role.

In this chapter, I discuss how teachers can create sets or series of Can-do based statements to define their task-based curriculum. Teachers can also use the Can-do statements to have students self-assess their language proficiency and their task-based gains before and after learning, especially… read more
Siddiqui, Tamoha and Paula Winke 2023 Bangladeshi EAP teachers’ perspectives on task-based language teachingTASK 3:2, pp. 273–304 | Article
We explored the extent to which academic English teachers from an English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) context held beliefs that aligned with Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) principles, as well as their levels of receptiveness to using tasks in the classroom. In this mixed methods study, 41… read more
In this article we investigated the learner characteristics of 127 Spanish language learners who achieved “advanced” in at least one tested skill (speaking, reading, or listening). We compared their profiles with case-control-matched non-advanced peers. All students took a background survey on… read more
Godfroid, Aline and Paula Winke 2015 Investigating implicit and explicit processing using L2 learners’ eye-movement dataImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 325–348 | Article
In this chapter we review eye-tracking methodology as a way to investigate aspects of implicit and explicit L2 processing, given that the research context allows one to do so. We begin by briefly reviewing the L1 eye-tracking research of psychologists and cognitive scientists whose work provided… read more
Winke, Paula 2014 Chapter 10. Formative, task-based oral assessments in an advanced Chinese-language classTechnology-mediated TBLT: Researching Technology and Tasks, González-Lloret, Marta and Lourdes Ortega (eds.), pp. 263–294 | Article
This chapter reports on task-based, formative assessments of oral proficiency that were designed to help students self-monitor their oral development in a fourth-year, university foreign-language Chinese classroom. Seventeen advanced learners of Chinese completed two group role-play tasks two times… read more
Winke, Paula 2013 13. The effectiveness of interactive group orals for placement testingSecond Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts, McDonough, Kim and Alison Mackey (eds.), pp. 247–268 | Chapter
In task-based language classes, teachers increasingly use interactive, peer-to-peer group orals to measure learners’ communicative competence. This chapter examines the reliability and validity of placing learners into task-based ESL listening and speaking classes based on their performances during… read more