Rosario Caballero

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rosario Caballero plays a role.



Book series


Representing Wine – Sensory Perceptions, Communication and Cultures

Rosario Caballero, Ernesto Suárez-Toste and Carita Paradis

Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Psycholinguistics | Semantics | Semiotics

Sensory Perceptions in Language and Cognition

Edited by Rosario Caballero and Carita Paradis

Special issue of Functions of Language 22:1 (2015) v, 159 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics
Caballero, Rosario and Carita Paradis 2025  touch in languageReview of Cognitive Linguistics: Online-First Articles | Article
This study reviews the literature on touch to establish an analytical framework for the study of touch in communication through language. Two questions are at the heart of the study — an ontological and a methodological one: What counts as touch, and how can we investigate the way we talk about… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2020 Chapter 9. Sensory landscapes: Cross modal metaphors in architecturePerforming Metaphoric Creativity across Modes and Contexts, Hidalgo-Downing, Laura and Blanca Kraljevic Mujic (eds.), pp. 197–219 | Chapter
This chapter describes the ways architects use language to evoke the visual, olfactory, tactile and interactive experiences afforded by buildings. It discusses how architects transfer their perception of space as knowledge, and how this knowledge is communicated by using figurative language in… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2019 Chapter 7. Sensory experiences, meaning and metaphor: The case of winePerception Metaphors, Speed, Laura J., Carolyn O'Meara, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 127–144 | Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of metaphorical language used to communicate sensory experiences in the context of wine discourse, particularly in the tasting note genre where metaphor provides wine critics with the means to describe what wines feel like in the nose and mouth. Using data from a… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2018 Showing versus telling: Representing speech events in English and SpanishApplying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 205–228 | Article
In this chapter, I provide a qualitative description of the verbs used to introduce Direct Speech (DS) in fictional narratives written in English and their Spanish translations in order to compare the way these two languages reconstruct speech events in texts by means of both speech verbs (e.g.,… read more
Motion verbs are often used to predicate entities such as roads, paths and the like as in “The road snakes to the port of Shakespeare Bay before climbing over the last hill to Picton” or “La carretera serpentea unos 30 kilómetros entre las montañas de la cordillera Nipe”. The verbs foreground the… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2017 Chapter 8. Metaphorical motion constructions across specialized genresMotion and Space across Languages: Theory and applications, Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide (ed.), pp. 229–254 | Chapter
In this paper I discuss the metaphorical motivation of the figurative – fictive and metaphorical – motion constructions found in architecture, wine, and tennis texts as the preliminary step to argue for the need to adopt a discourse approach to exploring fictive motion in general. My main… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2016 Showing versus telling: Representing speech events in English and SpanishApplying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 209–233 | Article
In this paper I provide a qualitative description of the verbs used to introduce Direct Speech (DS) in fictional narratives written in English and their Spanish translations in order to compare the way these two languages reconstruct speech events in texts by means of both speech verbs (e.g.… read more
Caballero, Rosario and Carita Paradis 2015 Making sense of sensory perceptions across languages and culturesSensory Perceptions in Language and Cognition, Caballero, Rosario and Carita Paradis (eds.), pp. 1–19 | Article
This article has two aims: (i) to give an overview of research on sensory perceptions in different disciplines with different aims, and on the basis of that (ii) to encourage new research based on a balanced socio-sensory-cognitive approach. It emphasizes the need to study sensory meanings in human… read more
Caballero, Rosario and Ernesto Suárez-Toste 2010 13. A genre approach to imagery in winespeak: Issues and prospectsResearching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, Low, Graham, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan and Lynne Cameron (eds.), pp. 265–288 | Article
This chapter is concerned with the figurative language used by wine experts in the genre of the Tasting Note. Our main objectives are to draw attention to the complexities found in the figurative language used in this genre, and discuss some of the methodological issues researchers need to overcome… read more
Caballero, Rosario 2009 FORM IS MOTION: Dynamic predicates in English architectural discourseMetonymy and Metaphor in Grammar, Panther, Klaus-Uwe, Linda L. Thornburg and Antonio Barcelona (eds.), pp. 277–290 | Article
Caballero, Rosario 2003 Talking about space: Image metaphor in architectural discourseAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 1, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 87–105 | Article