Filip Verroens
List of John Benjamins publications for which Filip Verroens plays a role.
The syntactic flexibility of (new) verbs of instrument of communication: A corpus-based study Functions of Language 18:1, pp. 57–86 | Article
2011 In this paper, the structural possibilities of well-established ‘verbs of instruments of communication’ (Levin 1993) such as telephone, fax and telegraph are compared with the syntactic possibilities of recent newcomers to the field such as skype and blackberry. The analysis, which is based on… read more
I blackberried him twice and skyped him a happy Father’s day: A propos des (nouveaux) verbes de Communication. Une étude contrastive français – anglais basée sur corpus French Syntax in Contrast, Lahousse, Karen, Béatrice Lamiroy and Kristel Van Goethem (eds.), pp. 285–306 | Article
2010 In this article we zoom in on the Verbs of Instrument of Communication (B. Levin 1993) in English and French and address a number of interesting issues. We examine the structural possibilities of the old and new Verbs of Instrument of Communication in comparison with one another and across the two… read more