Christine Michaux

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christine Michaux plays a role.


Linguistic Approaches to Poetry

Edited by Christine Michaux and Marc Dominicy

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 15] 2001. viii, 228 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Phonology | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Lenglet, Cédric and Christine Michaux 2020 The impact of simultaneous-interpreting prosody on comprehension: An experimentInterpreting 22:1, pp. 1–34 | Article
Does the particular prosody of simultaneous interpreting have an impact on comprehensibility? This paper presents an experiment that sought to answer this question. Two groups of listeners (47 with relevant contextual knowledge about the subject-matter of the speech and 40 with less contextual… read more
The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the negotiation of meaning between the participants of a bilingual interpreter-mediated interaction by analysing the effects of the verbalization of the inferences by the interpreter. The conceptual tools of Relevance… read more
Michaux, Christine and Marc Dominicy 2001 IntroductionLinguistic Approaches to Poetry, Michaux, Christine and Marc Dominicy (eds.), pp. v–viii | Miscellaneous
Comme nous l'avons déjà souligné (Michaux 1990), le pluriel est un phénomène complexe dans la mesure où il se reflète à différents niveaux dans la langue. Il faut en effet distinguer le pluriel exprimé au sein de la phrase du pluriel tel qu'il interagit avec le référent du mot. Dans ce deuxième… read more