Elena Di Giovanni

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Di Giovanni plays a role.

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Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation

Edited by Elena Di Giovanni and Yves Gambier

[Benjamins Translation Library, 141] 2018. xii, 353 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Translation Studies
Di Giovanni, Elena and Pablo Romero-Fresco 2019 Chapter 6. Are we all together across languages? An eye tracking study of original and dubbed filmsReassessing Dubbing: Historical approaches and current trends, Ranzato, Irene and Serenella Zanotti (eds.), pp. 125–144 | Chapter
In one of the first attempts to apply eye-tracking technology to the area of dubbing, this chapter reports on an experiment conducted in 2016 with viewers of the original English and dubbed Italian version of Wes Anderson’s Grand Budapest Hotel. The study analysed the gaze behaviour of participants… read more
Di Giovanni, Elena 2018 Audio description and reception-centred researchReception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, Di Giovanni, Elena and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 225–250 | Chapter
This chapter focuses on audio description research from a reception studies perspective. Since its inception into audiovisual translation studies slightly over ten years ago, research on audio description has grown exponentially and, unlike other audiovisual translation techniques and the related… read more
Di Giovanni, Elena 2018 Dubbing, perception and receptionReception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, Di Giovanni, Elena and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 159–177 | Chapter
Dubbing is one of the oldest, most commonly employed and best known audiovisual translation techniques, yet still relatively underresearched, at least from the point of view of its reception by audiences across the world. This chapter offers an overview of approaches, tools and methods which can be… read more
Di Giovanni, Elena and Yves Gambier 2018 IntroductionReception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, Di Giovanni, Elena and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Introduction
Di Giovanni, Elena 2008 From darkness to light in subtitlingBetween Text and Image: Updating research in screen translation, Chiaro, Delia, Christine Heiss and Chiara Bucaria (eds.), pp. 197–210 | Article
This paper focuses on the status of subtitling in Italy, an activity which is often neglected by researchers as well as audiences, notwithstanding its being on the increase thanks to DVD distribution, the proliferation of satellite channels and, more significantly, of film festivals.In referring to… read more