Terry Walker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Terry Walker plays a role.


Dialogues in Diachrony: Celebrating Historical Corpora of Speech-related Texts

Edited by Merja Kytö and Terry Walker

Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics 19:2 (2018) v, 141 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Electronic/Multimedia Products | English linguistics | Forensic & legal linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics
Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics
Walker, Terry and Merja Kytö 2022 Chapter 5. Survival or death: M ine/my and thine/thy variation in Early Modern English medical writingCorpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse, Hiltunen, Turo and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 105–126 | Chapter
This quantitative and qualitative study examines the chronological development of the possessive determiners mine, my, thine, and thy in the Early Modern English Medical Texts corpus (EMEMT), focusing on the influence of phonological environment and text category, as well as noting lexical items… read more
This chapter investigates the form, frequency, and function of speech reporting expressions in Early Modern English, such as quod she in “I perceiue now [$ (quod she) $] how mishap doth follow me” (CED, D1FGASCO, 1573). We focus on the use in the prose fiction texts in Periods 1 and 3 in A Corpus… read more
Kytö, Merja and Terry Walker 2018 IntroductionDialogues in Diachrony: Celebrating Historical Corpora of Speech-related Texts, Kytö, Merja and Terry Walker (eds.), pp. 161–166 | Introduction
This paper explores the representation of speech in Early Modern English witness depositions. We demonstrate that Semino and Short’s (2004) framework of description, which has for the most part been used in explorations of present-day texts, is generally applicable to our historical data. Our… read more
Grund, Peter J. and Terry Walker 2011 2. Genre characteristicsTestifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England: Including a CD-ROM containing An Electronic Text Edition of Depositions 1560–1760 (ETED), Kytö, Merja, Peter J. Grund and Terry Walker, pp. 15–56 | Chapter
Kytö, Merja, Peter J. Grund and Terry Walker 2011 1. IntroductionTestifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England: Including a CD-ROM containing An Electronic Text Edition of Depositions 1560–1760 (ETED), Kytö, Merja, Peter J. Grund and Terry Walker, pp. 1–14 | Chapter
Kytö, Merja, Peter J. Grund and Terry Walker 2011 9. ConclusionTestifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England: Including a CD-ROM containing An Electronic Text Edition of Depositions 1560–1760 (ETED), Kytö, Merja, Peter J. Grund and Terry Walker, pp. 283–287 | Chapter
Walker, Terry 2005 Review of Busse (2002): Linguistic Variation in the Shakespeare Corpus: Morphosyntactic Variability of Second Person PronounsThe Evolution of Pragmatic Markers, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt and Corinne Rossari (eds.), pp. 324–328 | Review
Walker, Terry 2003 12. You and thou in Early Modern English dialogues: Patterns of usageDiachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems, Taavitsainen, Irma and Andreas H. Jucker (eds.), pp. 309–342 | Article