Peter Mühlhäusler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Mühlhäusler plays a role.

Book series


Tok Pisin Texts: From the beginning to the present

Peter Mühlhäusler, Thomas E. Dutton and Suzanne Romaine

[Varieties of English Around the World, T9] 2003. x, 284 pp.
Subjects Creole studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Hendery, Rachel, Peter Mühlhäusler and Joshua Nash 2015 ‘Sometime is lies’: Narrative and identity in two mixed-origin island languagesNarrative and Identity Construction in the Pacific Islands, Gounder, Farzana (ed.), pp. 101–116 | Article
We compare Pitkern-Norf’k and Palmerston narratives to each other and to narrative construction in other more well-known English dialects. This will demonstrate that narratives of these two beach community languages differ from the latter in many parallel ways. We discuss the narrative types… read more
Monaghan, Paul and Peter Mühlhäusler 2015 State versus community approaches to language revival: The case of Wirangu at the Scotdesco community (South Australia)Education in Languages of Lesser Power: Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Volker, Craig Alan and Fred E. Anderson (eds.), pp. 185–203 | Article
This paper reports on local community-based approaches to the revival of the Wirangu language on the Far West Coast of South Australia that have occurred during the past five years. It examines the development of strategies and practices for the revival of the language outside of the realm of state… read more
This paper describes the changing views and practices of the school vis-à-vis the Norf’k language, the mixed Tahitian, English, St Kitts Creole language spoken by the descendants of the Bounty mutineers, who brought the language from Pitcairn to Norfolk Island in 1856. For more than a century,… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2014 The pragmatics of first person non-singular pronouns in Norf’kConstructing Collectivity: 'We' across languages and contexts, Pavlidou, Theodossia-Soula (ed.), pp. 105–132 | Article
The Norf’k language of the descendants of the Mutiny of the Bounty has developed a complex inventory of pronouns and similarly complex rules for their use. The large size of the pronoun paradigm reflects both the cumulative nature of Norf’k grammar where constructions from Tahitian, English and St.… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2012 PrologueEndangered Metaphors, Idström, Anna and Elisabeth Piirainen (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Miscellaneous
This paper argues that creolistics has tended to overemphasize the formal and general properties of Creole languages to the neglect of their substantive and singular lexical properties. Rather than assuming that Creoles can express anything their speakers need or want to say as soon as they come… read more
This paper investigates claims as to the role of categorial multifunctionality in the Pitkern-Norf’k (PN) language. It concludes that the grammar of this construction is far less productive than that of either English or Tahitian (the principal substratum language). Essentially, multifunctionality… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2007 The Pitkern-Norf’k language and educationEnglish World-Wide 28:3, pp. 215–247 | Article
This paper examines the role that educational policies and practices have played in weakening the Norf’k language, a contact language that developed among British sailors and their Tahitian entourage on Pitcairn Island in the late 18th century. It is argued that the education system was only one… read more
The general point of this paper is to highlight the important role of Christian missions in the development of language planning. We document this with a case study: the attempt of the South Seas Evangelical Mission to devise a simplified English, intermediate between Pidgin English and full… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2003 Pacific Pidgins and CreolesGermanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), pp. 355–381 | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2003 Sociohistorical and grammatical aspects of Tok PisinTok Pisin Texts: From the beginning to the present, Mühlhäusler, Peter, Thomas E. Dutton and Suzanne Romaine, pp. 1–34 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2002 Pidgin English and the Melanesian MissionJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 17:2, pp. 237–263 | Article
Desert islands such as Norfolk in the south-west Pacific offer important insights into the genesis and development of languages. The paper addresses the particular issue of the origin of place names. It shows the tension between the different groups that settled on the island since 1788 and pays… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2000 Humboldt, Whorf and the roots of ecolinguisticsExplorations in Linguistic Relativity, Pütz, Martin and Marjolijn H. Verspoor (eds.), pp. 89–100 | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 2000 The development of the life form lexicon in Tok PisinDegrees of Restructuring in Creole Languages, Neumann-Holzschuh, Ingrid and Edgar W. Schneider (eds.), pp. 337 ff. | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1999 Exploring the Missionary PositionJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 14:2, pp. 339–346 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1999 More on Non-Canonical CreolesJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 14:1, pp. 121–130 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1998 How creoloid can you get?Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 13:2, pp. 355–371 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1998 Layer Upon Layer of LanguagesJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 13:1, pp. 151–158 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1997 Grammatical properties of Milhne Bay English and their sourcesEnglishes around the World: Studies in honour of Manfred Görlach, Schneider, Edgar W. (ed.), pp. 219–228 | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1997 Language ecology — contact without conflictLanguage Choices: Conditions, constraints, and consequences, Pütz, Martin (ed.), pp. 3–16 | Article
Linguistic imperialism is the expansion of a small number of privileged languages at the cost of a large number of others. The language teaching profession is a potential instrument of linguistic imperialism and needs to address the question of the ecological impact of language teaching and to… read more
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1988 R.B. Le Page and A. Tabouret-Keller. Acts of identityStudies in Language 12:1, pp. 240–242 | Squib
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1987 Tracing Predicate Markers in Pacific Pidgin EnglishEnglish World-Wide 8:1, pp. 97–121 | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1987 Marlis Hellinger. 1985. Englisch-orientierte Pidgin- und KreolsprachenStudies in Language 11:2, pp. 513–516 | Miscellaneous
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1985 Towards an explanatory theory of metaphorThe Ubiquity of Metaphor: Metaphor in language and thought, Paprotté, Wolf and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 57–84 | Article
Dutton, Tom and Peter Mühlhäusler 1983 Queensland Kanaka EnglishEnglish World-Wide 4:2, pp. 231–263 | Article
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1982 Review of Day (1980): Issues in English CreolesEnglish World-Wide 3:1, pp. 107–112 | Review
Mühlhäusler, Peter 1980 Review of Hancock (1979): Readings in Creole StudiesEnglish World-Wide 1:1, pp. 149–151 | Review