Janina Klein
List of John Benjamins publications for which Janina Klein plays a role.
Chapter 6. Explorations in the relations between reference, syntactic constructions and prosody The Acquisition of Referring Expressions: A dialogical approach, Salazar-Orvig, Anne, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan and Annie Rialland (eds.), pp. 163–199 | Chapter
2021 Based on a cross-sectional corpus of 14 mother-child conversations (aged 2;2 to 2;4), this chapter explores children’s sensitivity to both formal linguistic features and discourse-pragmatic factors. We considered various issues. The first was the sensitivity of young children to discourse… read more
Chapter 9. Activities and social settings: Their roles in the use of referring expressions: Their roles in the use of referring expressions The Acquisition of Referring Expressions: A dialogical approach, Salazar-Orvig, Anne, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan and Annie Rialland (eds.), pp. 261–286 | Chapter
2021 We investigated the influence of activity and social setting on the use of referring expressions in French-speaking children. Three groups were observed: 25 children ages 1;7 to 2;6 in three activities with their mother (picture-based, play, and daily routines), 15 children ages 3;9 to 7;4 in… read more