James Myers

List of John Benjamins publications for which James Myers plays a role.


Myers, James 2021 Chapter 2. Meta-megastudiesPolylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 17–44 | Chapter
Myers, James 2021 Areal script form patterns with Chinese characteristicsDiversity in Writing Systems: Embracing multiple perspectives, Gnanadesikan, Amalia E. and Anna P. Judson (eds.), pp. 259–283 | Article
It has often been claimed that writing systems have formal grammars structurally analogous to those of spoken and signed phonology. This paper demonstrates one consequence of this analogy for Chinese script and the writing systems that it has influenced: as with phonology, areal script patterns… read more
Myers, James 2016 Meta-megastudiesNew Questions for the Next Decade, Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 329–349 | Article
Cross-linguistic data have always been of interest to mental lexicon researchers, but only now are technological developments beginning to make it possible to treat language as a random variable, in an approach we dub meta-megastudies. A meta-megastudy uses regression techniques to tease apart not… read more
Myers, James 2012 Chinese as a natural experimentMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 155–169 | Article
The Chinese lexicon is characterized by its typologically unique one-to-one-to-one mapping of morphemes, syllables, and orthographic characters. This architecture poses practical difficulties for the psycholinguist wanting to study lexical processing in Chinese. More seriously, seen as a natural… read more
Myers, James 2010 Chinese as a natural experimentMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research (Part I), Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 421–435 | Article
The Chinese lexicon is characterized by its typologically unique one-to-one-to-one mapping of morphemes, syllables, and orthographic characters. This architecture poses practical difficulties for the psycholinguist wanting to study lexical processing in Chinese. More seriously, seen as a natural… read more
Myers, James 2002 11. Exemplar-driven analogy in Optimality TheoryAnalogical Modeling: An exemplar-based approach to language, Skousen, Royal, Deryle Lonsdale and Dilworth B. Parkinson (eds.), pp. 265–300 | Chapter
Derwing, Bruce L., James Myers and Juhani Järvikivi Finnish noun inflections and the FLH from two perspectivesThe Mental Lexicon: Online-First Articles | Article
Through a consideration of the noun inflections of Finnish, we examine Butterworth’s (1983) full-listing hypothesis (FLH), that whole-word forms are stored in the mental lexicons of language learners/users. While previous studies have consistently confirmed that complex derivational… read more