Max Nänny

List of John Benjamins publications for which Max Nänny plays a role.


The Motivated Sign

Edited by Olga Fischer and Max Nänny

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 2] 2001. xiv, 387 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax

Form Miming Meaning

Edited by Max Nänny and Olga Fischer

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 1] 1999. xxxvi, 443 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Syntax | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Nänny, Max 2005 Iconic uses of rhymeOutside-In — Inside-Out, Maeder, Costantino, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky (eds.), pp. 195–215 | Article
Nänny, Max 2001 Iconic functions of long and short linesThe Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 157–188 | Article
Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer 2001 Introduction: Veni, Vidi, ViciThe Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny 1999 Introduction: Iconicity as a Creative Force in Language UseForm Miming Meaning, Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. xv–xxxvi | Miscellaneous
Nänny, Max 1999 Alphabetic Letters as Icons in Literary TextsForm Miming Meaning, Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 173–198 | Article