Part of
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers: Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague nouvelle série
Edited by Eva Hajičová, Tomáš Hoskovec, Oldřich Leška †, Petr Sgall and Zdena Skoumalová
[Prague Linguistic Circle Papers / Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague N.S. 3] 1999
► pp. 135144
Cited by (15)

Cited by 15 other publications

Herce, Borja, Carmen Saldana, John Mansfield & Balthasar Bickel
2023. Naturalness is gradient in morphological paradigms: Evidence from positional splits. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8:1 DOI logo
Moser, Ann-Marie
2023. Optionality in the syntax of Germanic traditional dialects. In Free Variation in Grammar [Studies in Language Companion Series, 234],  pp. 48 ff. DOI logo
O’Grady, William & Miseon Lee
2023. Natural Syntax, Artificial Intelligence and Language Acquisition. Information 14:7  pp. 418 ff. DOI logo
O'Grady, William
2021. The Natural Syntax of Local Coreference. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Mattiello, Elisa
2020. On the productivity of the Italian suffix -ista and the English -ist . Languages in Contrast 20:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Orzechowska, Paula
2019. Sources of Phonotactic Complexity in Polish. In Complexity in Polish Phonotactics [Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics, ],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Meletis, Dimitrios
2018. What is natural in writing?. Written Language & Literacy 21:1  pp. 52 ff. DOI logo
Argus, Reili
2017. Chapter 7. Acquisition of noun compounds in Estonian. In Nominal Compound Acquisition [Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 61],  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Manova, Stela
2010. Theoretical Background. In Understanding Morphological Rules,  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Haładewicz-Grzelak, Małgorzata
2008. Direct Effect in Beats-and-Binding Phonology. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 44:4 DOI logo
Haładewicz-Grzelak, Małgorzata
2008. An Epistemological Study of Chomsky's Transformational Grammar. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38:2  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Haładewicz-Grzelak, Małgorzata
2008. RP English and Castilian Spanish Diphthongs Revisited from the Beats-and-Binding Perspective. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 44:1 DOI logo
Haładewicz-Grzelak, Małgorzata
2022. Crowning, rotating, and emanating hierophanies with elevatio aspect in wayside shrines. Semiotica 2022:244  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Gaeta, Livio
2006. How to Live Naturally and not be Bothered by Economy. Folia Linguistica 40:1part2  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Wegener, Heide
2005. Development and motivation of marked plural forms in German. In Perspectives on Variation,  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo

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