Pragmatics and Society

Online-first articles

The following articles have been published online-first, and have not yet been published in an issue.

17 October 2024

“Our group was by far the coolest” Multimodal team-building practices and English as a lingua franca in a virtual intercultural game
Milene Mendes de Oliveira, Tiina Räisänen and Tuire Oittinen | 28 pp.

10 October 2024

You have no right! The dynamics of power in Colonial Louisiana Spanish
Jeremy King | 20 pp.
“Why does he appear so ordinary, but he can be so confident” A critical discourse analysis of controversial feminism in Chinese stand-up comedian Yang Li’s Talk Show Speeches
Jiayu Wang and Yaru Zhao | 22 pp.

12 September 2024

Interveners’ performance of “identity work” in the context of Chinese bystander intervention
Jie Li and Xinren Chen | 21 pp.

29 August 2024

Regrounding work in elite discourse: Mediatizing and amplifying entitlement
Crispin Thurlow and Adam Jaworski | 23 pp.
Review of Wharton & de Saussure (2023): Pragmatics and Emotion
Richard J. Whitt | 5 pp.

25 July 2024

Face attributes in interviews with Iranian politicians
Masoumeh Bahman and Veronica Lowe | 20 pp.
I am a doctor in your shoes: The empathic strategies employed by Chinese doctors during text-based online medical consultations
Xin Zhao, Yansheng Mao and Yihang Wang | 21 pp.

16 July 2024

Political language gaffes and the importance of Hearer’s meaning
Nelly Tincheva | 23 pp.

21 June 2024

Saying “sorry” in online language: A pragmatic analysis of apologies posted on a Chinese online shopping website
Jia Yang | 24 pp.

31 May 2024

The humorous effect of routine formulas in Spanish and English televised monologues
Montserrat Mir and Patxi Laskurain Ibarluzea | 22 pp.

13 May 2024

“I never said that” Negotiating misunderstandings in police interviews
Chi-Hé Elder and Luna Filipović | 27 pp.

22 March 2024

Actions of known-answer questions in guided tours: Designing further talk and soliciting participation
Yuri Hosoda and David Aline | 23 pp.

8 March 2024

Interactional multimodal metadiscourse in public health posters during the COVID-19 pandemic
Aisha Saadi Al-Subhi | 27 pp.
Talking about the deceased in the Jish linguaculture: A semantic and pragmatic analysis
Sandy Habib | 25 pp.
Gendered subtle bias in Danish TV election debates
Mie Femo Nielsen | 29 pp.

13 February 2024

The World of Daily Life: Doing a search for (e‑)shopping purposes
Gitte Rasmussen, Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen and Søren Vigild Poulsen | 32 pp.

12 February 2024

The language of threat: An analysis of Swedish online alternative newspaper reports on BLM protests
Marta Andersson | 24 pp.

22 January 2024

Negotiating the value of rule of law through attitudinal positioning: A corpus-based analysis of Chinese digital indictments
Chunxu Shi | 22 pp.

18 January 2024

Contradicting potential climate misinformation during televised debates
Søren Beck Nielsen | 21 pp.
Scalar implicature: An encyclopedic semantic approach
Yanfei Zhang, Nina Liang and Shaojie Zhang | 21 pp.

15 December 2023

Chinese patients’ unsolicited presentation of primary concerns
Zi Yang and Xueming Wang | 24 pp.

1 December 2023

Representation of women in English and Persian proverbs: A Cultural-Linguistic perspective
Ali Dabbagh and Esmat Babaii | 23 pp.
Review of Panther (2022): Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics
Kim Ebensgaard Jensen | 5 pp.
Negotiating academic conflict in discussion sections of doctoral dissertations
F. Esmaili and Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh | 24 pp.
Conspiracy theories and passion: The pragmatics of a Bulgarian debate on vaccination
Todor Hristov | 21 pp.
Review of Yus (2023): Pragmatics of Internet Humour
Ruby Rong Wei and Yanlan Hu | 5 pp.

2 November 2023

Dealing with the dual demands of expertise and democracy: How experts create proximity to the public without undermining their status as experts
Henrike Padmos, Hedwig te Molder and Tom Koole | 26 pp.

30 October 2023

Discursive positioning of doctors and e‑patients in online medical consultations in China: An orientation toward affective affiliation
Yu Zhang | 19 pp.