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Compounds and culture
Conceptual blending in Norwegian and Russian
This study explores compounds from the perspective of conceptual blending (conceptual integration), and argues
that the meaning of compounds arises through the interaction of three levels: (i) input spaces established for the head and
non-head components, (ii) a blended space involving compression and emergent structure, i.e. elements not imported from the input
spaces, and (iii) the language system as a whole and the culture this system is part of. With regard to (iii) we propose the
“Culture-to-Compound Hypothesis”, according to which compounding can be recruited to represent culturally “novel” content in
languages where compounding enjoys a peripheral status in the language system. The examples discussed in the article come from
Norwegian (a Germanic language where compounding is a central word-formation mechanism) and Russian (a Slavic language where
compounding is more marginal in the language system).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Compounds as blends
- 3.Emergent structure and compounds
- 4.Compression and compounds
- 5.The Culture-to-Compound Hypothesis
- 6.Case study 1: Stub compounds in post-revolutionary Russian
- 7.Case study 2: Compounds in Post-Soviet Russian
- 8.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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