An onomasiological competition
A view from sociocultural perspective
An onomasiological competition between lexical units, in which they compete to name a certain object (phenomenon,
process, event, etc.), rarely attracts the attention of linguists, mainly due to an interdisciplinary nature of such research and
the lack of a developed methodology for that. In this article, the author presents a case study of the onomasiological competition
between constructions of otkryvat' butylku (‘to open a bottle’) and otkuporivat' butylku (‘to
uncork a bottle’) during the 19th and 20th centuries and reveals sociocultural factors influencing the course and result of this
competition. Based on this analysis, a few sociocultural scenarios that should be taken into consideration in research of various
types of onomasiological competition are presented.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Basic approaches to the definition of onomasiology: Some critical remarks
- 3.The case study: The onomasiological competition between the constructions of otkryvat' butylku and
otkuporivat' butylku in 19th century Russian
- 4.The case study: The onomasiological competition between the constructions otkryvat' butylku and
otkuporivat' butylku in 20th century Russian
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Vladimir V. Glebkin & Elizaveta A. Evchuk
Experimental Study of Lexical Choice Situation (on the Material of the Constructions otkryvat’ butylku ‘open a bottle’ and otkuporivat’ butylku ‘uncork a bottle’).
Russkaia rech :1
► pp. 7 ff.

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