Applying Cognitive Linguistics

Figurative language in use, constructions and typology

Special issue of Review of Cognitive Linguistics 14:1 (2016)

ORCID logoAna M. Piquer-Píriz | University of Extremadura
ORCID logoRafael Alejo-González | University of Extremadura
[Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 14:1] 2016.  vi, 245 pp.
Publishing status:
Table of Contents
Applying Cognitive Linguistics: Identifying some current research foci (figurative language in use, constructions and typology)
Ana M. Piquer-Píriz and Rafael Alejo-González
I. Figurative language in use
Overt and covert uses of metaphor in the academic mentoring in English of Spanish undergraduate students at five European universities
Fiona MacArthur
The interpretation of metonymy by Japanese learners of English
Jeannette Littlemore, Satomi Arizono and Alice May
Methodological triangulation in the study of emotion: The case of ‘anger’ in three language groups
Anna Ogarkova, Cristina Maria Soriano Salinas and Anna Gladkova
II. Constructing meaning in language (L1 and L2 acquisition)
On-line processing of verb-argument constructions: Visual recognition threshold and naming latency
Nick C. Ellis
The role of force dynamics and intentionality in the reconstruction of L2 verb meanings: A Danish-Spanish bidirectional study
Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Teresa Cadierno and Alberto Hijazo-Gascón
Cross-linguistic influence in the interpretation of boundary crossing events in L2 acquisition
Rosa Alonso Alonso
III. Typology
Thinking for translating and intra-typological variation in satellite-framed languages
Wojciech Lewandowski and Jaume Mateu
Showing versus telling: Representing speech events in English and Spanish
Rosario Caballero
Book review
Review of Boas & Gonzálvez-García (2014): Romance perspectives on Construction Grammar
Reviewed by Gaëtanelle Gilquin

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General