Since the 1970s, findings from Morpheme Order Studies (MOS) have
suggested that the emergence of morphemes follows a predictable order in L2
English. In this paper we show how the tools and practices in Learner Corpus
Research (LCR) offer a richer descriptive basis, which is achieved with
Interlanguage Annotation (ILA), a manual, fined-grained, purpose-oriented type
of annotation. Additionally, we use a standardised placement test, since
proficiency level has been overlooked in most previous MOS. Both of these
practices provide a more detailed description of morpheme accuracy order across
different levels. We analyse four proficiency levels (A1-B2) in a subcorpus of
L1 Spanish-L2 English secondary-school learners from the CORpus of English as a
Foreign Language (COREFL). Our results partially confirm findings from previous
MOS, but also reveal key findings that had gone previously unnoticed regarding
the role of proficiency level and the subtype of errors, which are relevant
factors for SLA research.
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