Translating the gay identity in audiovisual media
The case of Will & Grace
In this study we analyse different linguistic elements in the TV series Will & Grace that
shape the gay identity of the main characters of the show. We will base the analysis on the inclusion of the cultural turn into
the field of audiovisual translation studies and on the technical time and space constraints that may emerge when conveying the
message in this type of texts. Therefore, we will focus on the treatment of cultural references associated to the LGBTQI community
that are shown on the series, as well as the linguistic variant of gayspeak and the comic elements included in the dialogues in
order to observe whether the information that viewers of the Spanish dubbed version receive regarding gay identity is the same
that is portrayed in the original version in English.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: The integration of the cultural turn into audiovisual translation studies
- 2.Gender and LGBT representation in audiovisual translation
- 3.
Will & Grace (1998–2006)
- 4.The use of gayspeak in Will & Grace
- 5.The treatment of cultural references in Will & Grace
- 6.Instances of humour in Will & Grace
- 7.Conclusions
- Note
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