This study uses both parallel and comparable reference corpora in the English-Polish language pair to explore how
translators deal with recurrent multi-word items performing specific discoursal functions. We also consider whether the observed
tendencies overlap with those found in native texts, and the extent to which the discoursal functions realised by the multi-word
items under scrutiny are “preserved” in translation. Capitalizing on findings from earlier research (Granger, 2014; Grabar & Lefer, 2015), we analyzed a
pre-selected set of phrases signaling stance-taking and those functioning as textual, discourse-structuring devices originally
found in the European Parliament proceedings corpus (Koehn, 2005) and included in the
English-Polish parallel corpus Paralela (Pęzik, 2016). Since our goal
was to explore whether and to what extent English functionally-defined phrases reflect the same level of formulaicity and
regularity in both Polish translations and native Polish texts, the findings provided insights into the translation tendencies of
such items, and revealed – using inter-rater agreement metrics – that the discoursal functions of recurrent n-grams may change in
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