Direct object anaphora resolution in L1 English-L2 Spanish
Referring clitics and DPs
This study investigates the written production of direct object (DO) anaphora in L2 Spanish by adult English
native speakers. It focuses on the use of clitics and full DPs in topic continuity, where highly salient topics are typically
recovered by clitics in native Spanish. A combination of pragmatic factors in subject anaphora resolution (referential ambiguity
and distance) and morphosyntactic factors in the acquisition of clitics (gender and animacy) was analyzed in 5 subcorpora from the
Corpus Escrito del Español L2). Following Learner Corpus Research methodology, 773 anaphoric DOs and
their antecedents were tagged across 150 texts (from low-intermediate to upper-advanced proficiency). Results showed that as
learner proficiency increases, the predominant anaphoric strategy shifts from redundant DP overuse to felicitous
pronominalization. Clitic avoidance is the general strategy intimately related to clitics’ morphosyntactic deficits at advanced
levels, but also to pragmatic principles supporting the Pragmatic Principles Violation Hypothesis (
Lozano, 2016).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Direct object referring expressions in Spanish
- 2.1Spanish direct object clitics
- 2.2Pragmatic factors in DO reference
- 3.Previous studies
- 3.1Anaphora resolution in L2 acquisition
- 3.2Spanish DO clitics in L2 acquisition
- 3.3Learner corpus research: Using CEDEL2 for SLA
- 3.4Research questions and hypotheses
- 4.The Study
- 4.1Methods
- 4.1.1Corpora from CEDEL 2
- 4.1.2Data annotation and analysis
- Anaphor form
- Anaphor pragmatics
- Referent morphology
- Potential number of antecedents
- Antecedent form
- Antecedent function
- Distance
- 4.2Results
- RQ1:How does DO anaphora develop in L1 English-L2 Spanish learners at intermediate and advanced levels? What mechanisms are
used by learners and native speakers as anaphoric expressions?
- RQ2:Factors that determine the use of distinct DO REs: Referential distance and potential referential ambiguity
- Distance
- Potential referential ambiguity
- RQ3.Pragmatic felicity
- RQ4:The effect of referent’s gender and animacy
- 4.3Final discussion
- 5.Conclusions and further research
- Notes
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Lozano, Cristóbal & Teresa Quesada
What corpus data reveal about the Position of Antecedent Strategy: anaphora resolution in Spanish monolinguals and L1 English-L2 Spanish bilinguals.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

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