Clause typing and Quebec French -tu
This paper focuses on the Quebec French particle -tu, which occurs in interrogatives, exclamatives and declaratives indicating surprise. We propose that -tu is the overt instantiation of a polarity (Pol) head that is neither negative nor positive and that -tu also carries an epistemic modality (Mod) feature that is keyed to an ignorant Speaker (S) and a knowledgeable Addressee (A).
Article outline
- 1.General properties of -tu
- 1.1Distribution
- 1.1.1Interrogatives
- 1.1.2Exclamatives
- 1.1.3Declaratives: Narratives indicating surprise
- 1.1.4Imperatives
- 1.2Interpretation of -tu
- 2.Proposal
- 2.1‘Tu’ and Polarity
- 2.2‘Tu’ and modality
- 2.3Analysis
- 3.Accounting for the distributional restrictions
- 3.1Interrogatives
- 3.2Exclamatives
- 3.3Declaratives
- 3.4Imperatives
- 4.Previous analyses
- 5.Conclusions