Chapter 9
Complexity, fluency and accuracy in study abroad research
This chapter offers a critical overview of study abroad research that examines complexity and accuracy in speaking and writing as well as written fluency. We discuss the relevant literature in terms of methodologies used, variables studied, operationalization of complexity, accuracy, and written fluency, and main results obtained. Gaps found in the literature are discussed, as well as limitations and areas for methodological improvements. In addition, the chapter provides recommendations for future research incorporating theoretical and methodological trends in study abroad, including the role of affective factors among minoritized students such as heritage language learners.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Definitions and measures of complexity, accuracy, and written fluency in SA
- Complexity
- Syntactic complexity
- Lexical complexity
- Accuracy
- Written fluency
- Overview of complexity in SA research
- Oral syntactic and lexical complexity
- Written syntactic and lexical complexity
- Overview of accuracy in SA research
- Oral accuracy
- Written accuracy
- Overview of written fluency in SA research
- Limitations of CAF studies in SA
- Future CAF research in SA
- Discussion of ethical issues
- Concluding remarks
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