Chapter 13
Individual variables in study abroad contexts
Concepts and measurements
This chapter aims to provide a critical overview of the methodologies related to investigating individual variables in study abroad (SA) contexts both in terms of the constructs examined and the research methods applied. We will begin by summarizing key contributions that the research related to individual variables in SA has made to understanding linguistic and personal development in this context. Following, we will address limitations and gaps in this research and its methodologies. The chapter concludes by proposing recommendations that are expected to drive the research of individual variables in SA forward.
Article outline
- Introduction
- IDs in SA contexts: Key findings and contributions
- Key findings in psychosocial IDs
- Personality
- Motivation
- Beliefs
- Emotions
- Key findings in cognitive IDs
- Key findings in linguistic IDs
- Limitations of research on IDs in SA contexts
- Limitations related to psychosocial IDs
- Limitations related to cognitive IDs
- Limitations related to linguistic IDs
- Limitations related to measuring linguistic gains
- Common limitations
- General principles and strategies
- Psychosocial IDs: Principles and strategies
- Personality
- Motivation
- Beliefs
- Emotions
- Cognitive IDs: Principles and strategies
- Linguistic IDs: Principles and strategies
- Other general best practices
- Research designs, tools and analysis
- Conclusions
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L2 Motivation and Language Learning. In
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