In this afterword, I summarize the strengths and
challenges of different research methods used to study second language
writing processes with reference to the various chapters in the volume. This
is followed by a discussion of considerations researchers have to make when
choosing a method. Next, I summarize themes that are apparent throughout the
volume, and then focus on certain themes that I believe need more
Article outline
- Introduction
- Factors affecting choice of method (and vice versa)
- Writing conditions and prompts
- Participant characteristics
- Focus of the research
- One-shot or longitudinal research
- Summary of major themes addressed in the book
- Ecological validity, external validity, and authenticity
- Reductionism, triangulation, and the relationship between the parts
and the whole
- Population variability and expansion to non-WEIRD populations
- Data reduction/presentation/coding
- Themes needing more attention
- Theoretical bases for studying the writing process
- The learning potential of research methods
- How understanding the writing process has or has not improved
- Conclusion