Literary article
Les marges de l’homme en jeu aux limbes du Pacifique
The article proposes a new reading of Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique with the intent to combine Postcolonial and Animal Studies, beyond the common emphasis on the notion of victim, and to resist the allegorical interpretations of the novel. Firstly, I demonstrate that during the “administrated island”, Robinson imposes an order based on the correlation among capitalism, colonialism and Oedipal sexuality, as if humanity as such could be reduced to the features of Western societies. Then, I explore how the novel relocates the boundaries between the human and the nonhuman, challenging the exclusive identification of alterity to a human face. Finally, I focus on the new relation with otherness (both human and animal) experienced by the two characters: a kind of intersubjectivity based on the play, which is a practice that does not presuppose the knowledge of the other and exceeds the traditional categorical antithesis, such as truth/falsity, good/evil, nature/culture.
Article outline
- 1.Pourquoi Deleuze se trompe
- 2.Animal studies vs Postcolonial studies ; Allégorie vs littéralité
- 3.La mise en jeu de l’intersubjectivité comme interanimalité
- Remarques
This article is currently available as a sample article.
Article language: French